SWL of International AM radios on shortwave, medium wave and long wave listen via WEB SDR in the Netherlands by French SWL F14368 Frank. I also write few articles about Shortwave listening. This is not my principal blog, i have also 2 other blogs about MW an SW listening. Don't forget SSB SWL Contest 2025 will start 01 March and finish only in October 2025. Thank you de Frank SWL F14368/FØDUW

lundi 26 juin 2023

Bulgaria MW BNR Horizont 576 kHz

 SIO 533


Horizont Radio or Хоризонт (Horizont) in Bulgarian is a state-owned Bulgarian radio station, specialising in news coverage from Bulgaria. It is the most popular radio station in Bulgaria and it is part of The Bulgarian National Radio Network. Horizon Radio is considered the most independent media in Bulgaria with news and comments from around the nation. It has an extensive network of correspondents in every big city in Bulgaria, ready to report when the news breaks. The programme plays much music from all genres but prominence is given to the latest in the pop charts. The motto of radio Horizon is "Quick and in-depth".


Horizon Radio is part of the Bulgarian National Radio. The Bulgarian National Radio (Българско национално радио, Balgarsko natsionalno radio; abbreviated БНР, BNR) is the state-owned national radio network of Bulgaria. It was founded on 30 March 1930 as Rodno radio ("Native radio") by a group of intellectuals. Broadcasting began in June the same year. Off Air on 261 kHz Vakarel Transmitter on Longwave as from 2 jan 2015

BNR has two radio stations in Bulgarian, Horizont and Hristo Botev, as well as a world service called Radio Bulgaria broadcasting in 11 languages (Bulgarian, Russian, English, German, French, Spanish, Serbian, Greek, Albanian, Turkish and Arabic). All stations are also available online.

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