SWL of International AM radios on shortwave, medium wave and long wave listen via WEB SDR in the Netherlands by French SWL F14368 Frank. I also write few articles about Shortwave listening. This is not my principal blog, i have also 2 other blogs about MW an SW listening. Don't forget SSB SWL Contest 2025 will start 01 March and finish only in October 2025. Thank you de Frank SWL F14368/FØDUW

samedi 24 juin 2023

Romania SRR Radio România Actualități 567 kHz MW in Romanian

 SIO 533


Radio Romania Actualità (RRA) is a public radio station , providing information of national interest with a generalist format, which reflects daily events, both domestic and international.

Radio Romania Actualità is the only station in Romania with national coverage of over 99% of the country's territory. It broadcasts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and has the most extensive network of correspondents in the country and abroad, as well as special envoys in conflict zones. Radio Romania Actualită offers its audience the most complex news programs, "Radiojurnal" being a well-known brand for a long time, radio programs with social, cultural, political, economic and entertainment content.

Brief history edit edit source ]

Founded in 1928, under the name of the Radio-Telephone Broadcasting Society, Radio Romania is one of the oldest radio stations in Europe, but well connected, through dynamics, editorial strategy and broadcast content, to the immediate reality. Before November 1, 1928, the date on which the first transmission of the national station took place, there was a real pro-radio movement in Romania, whose main protagonist was Professor Dragomir Hurmuzescu (the first president of the Society's Board of Directors); the passion and work of some pioneers in the field, in Romania, have materialized through the establishment of the institution that today bears the name of the Romanian Broadcasting Society and which millions of listeners know as Radio Romania.

Radio Romania's flagship station, Radio Romania Actualități, is considered the successor of the first national station, although it now has numerous "siblings". So, on November 1, 1928, the first official broadcast by Radio Romania takes place.

Another important moment in the station's history takes place on September 21, 1939, when the legionary group of 9 people, who assassinated Prime Minister Armand Călinescu , broke into the Radiodifuzioni headquarters, interrupted the Radio Orchestra's concert and announced the assassination to the whole country (time 14:15). Although armed with 8 pistols, 32 magazines, an incendiary vial and a 1 kg bomb, after this announcement they surrendered to the SRR guards. Like the announcement of the assassination, the Prime Minister's funeral was broadcast live on the radio station.

Order of Marshal Ion Antonescu " Soldiers, I order you: Cross the Prut!" ", given on the night of June 21/22, 1941, the return of arms against the German army, on August 23, 1944, the abdication of King Mihai I, or the days of the Revolution in December 1989, are other moments in Romania's history that were broadcast live on the same station by radio.

Radio Romania Actualității is recognized as a fervent promoter of sports, on June 11, 1933, with the first live broadcast of a football match: Romania - Yugoslavia , in the Balkan Cup. Starting from that moment, Radio Romania Actualităti gathered all the sports lovers around the radios, making direct and exclusive transmissions of the domestic football championship, all the matches of the national team, including those from the European or world championships, but also from other competitions where Romanian athletes won numerous medals, European or World Championships and Olympic Games.

Also, the name Radio Romania Actualității is linked to the promotion of quality Romanian and international music, the station being recognized as a launching pad for many big names in Romanian music. February 20, 1937 is the date when Maria Tănase, the unsurpassed representative of the Romanian folk song, was launched on the radio. She is only among the first of a truly impressive list.

According to the results of the latest polls, Radio Romania Actualității has the largest number of listeners at the urban level, being the most listened to radio station in Bucharest. [1]

Public radio change edit source ]

Radio Romania Actualità is the flagship station of the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Society, which operates as an autonomous public service of national interest, with editorial independence. SRR has the obligation to ensure, through its entire activity, pluralism, the free expression of ideas and opinions, the free communication of information, as well as the correct information of public opinion. At the same time, the content of its programs must meet professional standards in the field.

To achieve the general objectives of information, education, entertainment, which arise from Law no. 41 of July 17, 1994 regarding the organization and operation of the Romanian Broadcasting Society and the Romanian Television Society, the public service is obliged to present, objectively, impartially, the realities of domestic and international socio-political and economic life, to ensure the correct information of citizens on public affairs, to promote, competently and demandingly, the values ​​of the Romanian language, of the authentic cultural, scientific, national and universal creation of the national minorities, as well as the democratic, civic, moral and sporting values, to fight for national unity and the independence of the country, for the cultivation of human dignity, truth and justice.

The autonomy and editorial independence of the public broadcasting service is guaranteed by law, and its programs are protected from any interference by public authorities, as well as from the influences of any parties, socio-political formations, trade unions, commercial and economic bodies or pressure groups.

The application of the mandatory rules established by the National Audiovisual Council, under the terms of the Audiovisual Law - Law no. 504 / 2002.

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