SWL of International AM radios on shortwave, medium wave and long wave listen via WEB SDR in the Netherlands by French SWL F14368 Frank. I also write few articles about Shortwave listening. This is not my principal blog, i have also 2 other blogs about MW an SW listening. Don't forget SSB SWL Contest 2025 will start 01 March and finish only in October 2025. Thank you de Frank SWL F14368/FØDUW

mardi 17 septembre 2024

SWL contest 2025 rules

 SWL contest 2025 rules

It is not necessary to be registered to enter this contest 2025

Beginers are welcome

To translate  https://translate.google.com/?sl=fr&tl=es&op=translate

The contest will start the 01 January 2025 and finish the 28 February 2025

They are 3 categories

1) Only listen the medium wave 522 to 1710 kHz for Europe an 520 to 1710 Kilohertz outside Europe.

2) Only listen the shortwave 2300 kHz to 26100 kHz

3) listen MW and SW

For 2025 we dont have sponsors. 

You will win only Awards send by mail.

Réglement en Français


No pirate radios or clandestine radio stations please. Only AM radios, no DRM, SSB, etc.

What is a clandestine radio station: https://www.dxing.com/clandest.htm

I receive this message on Facebook

"Make clear these points in your rules of the upcoming contest:- 1) Anybody can participate in only one category or two or three categories, if he/ she wishes.
My answer YES 2) A contestant will be allowed to use either normal radio receiver or SDR or both."
My answer YES

Can y i use a web sdr or kiwi sdr
My answer is YES bub use same SDR all the contest

Another question from a listener

"How about a station like WRMI ? my answer this station broadcast more or 270 programs or radios. So No WRMI can be only valid for one point. ovak

ia etc.? Alle ar O

Each station in the log is one point

Awards will be BRONZE one to forty-nine radios stations (1 to 49),

 SILVER fifty to ninety-nine radios stations (50 to 99),

GOLD one hundred to two hundred radios stations (100 to 200) 

and PLATINIUM more of two hundred radios station (200 and more)

DIAMOND for more or 250 radio stations

This SWL contest is open to beginners, just respect the rules please

It will be possible to listen with a real radio and antenna or with a WEB or KIWI SDR ( but not use also a real radio receiver if you use also a kiwi or web SDR ))

If you listen with a Web or Kiwi SDR you can use only the same SDR during all the contest. You will give me the adresse of this SDR.


For the MW the place of the transmitter is not important or only if a radio station have many transmiters. Example in Spain many stations are broadcasting from different place in Spain so you can log all different transmiters. 


In fact i received a message because the rules were not clear for the medium wave.

"What I was wondering was, I hear tons of Medium Wave stations from Spain here in the evenings. Do I count every station that I am able to hear from there even though for example I can hear Radio Nacional on numerous different frequencies throughout the dial , just that they are broadcast from different transmitters. I guess what I mean to ask is do I count every station of Radio Nacional on each different frequency by different transmitters or do I only count say Radio Nacional or Onda Cero Radio from Spain one time or for that matter Spain itself only once. Thanks for any clarification regarding this. "

My answer:

So you can listen tons of MW radios stations

You can listen and log Radio Nacional on numerous different frequencies.

YES you can count every station of Radio Nacional on each different frequency by different transmitters. On Shortwave the rules are not the same.

Thank you.

Map of Short Wave transmiters in the world

For the shortwave SW ( but also MW ) the transmitter place is very important

Example Radio VATICAN broadcast from diferent transmitters locations

The goal on SW and MW is to listen maximum of SW transmitters in the world.

The most easy way to know where is located a transmitter


This web site give time UTC, frequencies and place of the transmitter ( transmitter location ) for more of 100 shortwave radio stations. ITS FREE !!!

SW transmitter are sometimes used by different radios stations.

In China CRI use many transmitters located in China but also in Africa and Cuba.

To identified the radio and SW transmitter you can use this free website


Look also here


You can buy also this book or CD:

Broadcast database: 3,676 entries with the latest schedules of all clandestine, domestic and international broadcasting services on shortwave, compiled by top experts in this field.

30 years after the spreading of PC technology all over the world, the publication of frequency lists by the medium of CD is considered to be a standard procedure among state-of-the-art companies in this field, and it is a must for leading publishers such as Klingenfuss Publications. We have been around for 57 years already. For decades, we have been the world leader in publications on digital data signals decoding on HF. The famous Guide to Utility Radio Stations is in its brandnew 33rd edition. We now offer more than 28,000 (twenty eight thousand!) digital data decoder screenshots on USB stick. Just for the record, other publishers have absolutely nothing to offer in this field, let alone something on USB stick.

Klingenfuss Publications:
the difference between jumping on the bandwagon - and driving it!


To order your CD or book:


Joerg Klingenfuss
Klingenfuss Publications
Klingenfuss Radio Monitoring
Hagenloher Str. 14
72070 Tuebingen
Phone +49 7071 62830
Fax +49 7071 600849
- 2025 Shortwave Frequency Guide
- 2025 Super Frequency List on CD

Propagation will be very goo during our SWL contest 2025
More than 800 (this Sunday morning: 857!) Kiwi-SDRsworldwide covering the complete 0-30 MHz spectrum arelinked at www.kiwisdr.com, offering a total of 3000+ fullyindependent reception channels .

To identified a radio station:

FREE LIST of radio stations on MW and SW


BC B24 - The comprehensive shortwave broadcasting schedule
                  FREQUENCY VERSION

         Valid October 27, 2024 - March 30, 2025

if you have a computer this is very easy to see on MW ans SW where are the transmitters place.

If a transmitter is used by different radio stations it is possible to list all the radio stations

Example if you listen RFI Radio France Int from transmitter in Issoudin France you can log only one time this radio station from this transmitter even you listen this station on different bands.

KBS World radio use also the transmitter of Issoudun so its valid to log KBS from this transmitter in France.

KBS World radio broadcast also from 3 other transmitters in the world so you can log this radio station on 4 different transmitters.

For China they are CRI, PBS and CNR. I wrote and article about these stations and transmitters

Language or band ( frequencie ) are not important


If you have questions about the rules of the SWL Contest 2025 contact me on Facebook


Or sent questions to swlcontest@gmx.fr

Example of log ( your list )

Give me your name and address ( i keep these info for me )

 I need to send you the award so i need your email address !


Only MW

Only SW

MW and SW

What is your receiver and antenna

If you listen with a KIWI or WEB SDR the address of this SDR

For medium wave MW

Date, time UTC, Frequencie, name of the radio station, SIO or SINPO,  place of the transmitter ( city and country )

For SW shortwave 

Date, Time UTC, Frequencie, Name of the radio station, SIO or SINPO,  NAME OF THE TRANSMITTER, country of the transmitter

IMPORTANT at the end of your list (log) tell me how many radios you have listen in medium wave or shortwave. If you participate in categorie MW and SW tell me how many MW and how many SW you have listen please. 

I will chek if you respect the rules and make your award

Logs who dont respect rule of the contest will not be accepted. Read carefully the rules please.

You can send your log by mail like a normal message, in PDF or EXEL

My email address for the contest is  swlcontest@gmx.fr

Send your log before 7 March 2025

Example of log for MW medium wave:

01 January 2025

13:00 UTC

648 kHz

Radio Caroline

SIO 555

England Place of the transmiter ( city name )

Example of log for SW shortwave

01 January 2025

13:00 UTC

9570 kHz

China radio Int. 

SIO 555

TX Kumming Anning ( TX is transmitter place )

China ( country of the TX )

02 January 2025

13:00 UTC

17880 kHz

China radio Int.

SIO 555

TX Bamako II


IMPORTANT at the end of your list (log) tell me how many radios you have listen in medium wave or shortwave. If you participate in categorie MW and SW tell me how many MW and how many SW you have listen please. 

Exemple of award who will be send by mail

E-awards in 2024

Some stations broadcast outside these frequencies and are OK to list in the log.

Sorry for my English i am French !

Good Contest 2025

Remember the GOAL of this contest is to have FUN together

Thank you to blogs, websites, listeners who speak of the SWL Contest 2025 on X, Facebook, etc.

This is the links to these nice people:

Hugo DX

Escuchando La Radio

Compil' DX vendredi 1er novembre 2024

Gaby DELASSUS f5psi@wanadoo.fr

Peter DX Corner

REF 39



Arab amateur radio


La Planete CIBI

Shortwave centrale in USA

Radioamateur France

Thank you to the specialist of MW radio stations

DX India on facebook

Radio club du Perche


Thanks to Allen VOPC1AA

Thank you to DX.ZONE

Thank you to Thomas Nilsson 


If you need to buy a cheap price radio receiver to listen AM radios station on medium wave and short wave

They can send to many place in the world

Klingenfuss: All advance orders have been shipped!
Dear friends,
all new products for 2025
- 2025/2026 Guide to Utility Radio Stations
- 2025 Shortwave Frequency Guide
- 2025 Super Frequency List on CD
- 2025 Frequency Database for the Perseus LF-MF-HF SDR
- 1997-2025 Digital Data Decoder Screenshots on USB Stick
have been published by 5 December. We've worked around
the clock and hundreds of advance orders from all over the
world have been mailed by Thursday 12 December, i.e. well
in time for the Christmas holiday (and Northern winter)
radio monitoring season. Enjoy!
Says Frank Donovan W3LPL in ARRL's QST - October 2024:
"The highest sunspot activity since 2002 ... makes this the
most productive solar maximum for HF operators ..." And
Joe Lynch N6CL in The Spectrum Monitor - November 2024
under the title "Solar Cycle 25 Continues to Outperform its
Expectations": "The expected sunspot numbers, around 200
or more, and the solar flux index, between 220 and 240,
exceed previous predictions. These increased values will
influence the maximum usable frequency (MUF), making
high HF bands very active." By consequence, we'll enjoy
good to excellent shortwave long-distance propagation
conditions throughout 2025 and far beyond.
More than 800 (this Sunday morning: 857!) Kiwi-SDRs
worldwide covering the complete 0-30 MHz spectrum are
linked at www.kiwisdr.com, offering a total of 3000+ fully
independent reception channels . New digital data decoding
features have been added recently. This is simply great for
the reception and identification of HF utility radio stations,
and even NAVTEX on MF, from interesting locations all over
the world. Hundreds of new digital data decoding
screenshots have again been published in our 2025 editions,
covering the revolutionary MIAM technique for really looong
XML files as well - see dozens of samples on our
hotfrequencies website updated daily! What's more, there
are 260+ broadcast stations still active on shortwave ...
Full A4 size sample pages of all publications can be found on
our website
There you can download the new 2025 catalogue as well,
plus detailed product descriptions. Alternatively, you may
ask for our free 24-pages 2025 printed catalogue to your
postal address.
Thank you for your continued support in difficult times, and
best wishes for 2025!
Joerg Klingenfuss
Klingenfuss Publications
Klingenfuss Radio Monitoring
Hagenloher Str. 14
72070 Tuebingen
E-Mail info@klingenfuss.org
Phone +49 7071 62830
Fax +49 7071 600849
Klingenfuss Radio Monitoring Publications

I organize also a SSB SWL Contest from March to october 2025

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