SWL of International AM radios in on shortwave, medium wave and long wave listen via WEB SDR in Netherlands by French SWL F14368 Frank. I write also few articles about Shortwave listening. This is not my principal blog, i have also 2 other blogs about MW an SW listening. Dont forget SWL Contest 2024 on SW. Thank you.

mardi 17 septembre 2024

SWL contest 2025 rules

 SWL contest 2025 rules

The contest will start the 01 January 2025 and finish the 28 February 2025

They are 3 categories

1) Only listen the medium wave 522 to 1710 kHz

2) Only listen the shortwave 2300 kHz to 26100 kHz

3) listen MW and SW

No pirate radios or clandestines radio stations please. Only AM radios, no DRM, SSB, etc.

In 2025 only E-Awards, i will not have sponsors

Awards will be BRONZE one to forty-nine radios stations (1 to 49),

 SILVER fifty to ninety-nine radios stations (50 to 99),

GOLD one hundred to two hundred radios stations (100 to 200) 

and PLATINIUM more of two hundred radios station (200 and more)

DIAMOND for more or 250 radio stations

It will be possible to listen with a real radio or with a WEB or KIWI SDR

If you listen with a Web or Kiwi SDR you can use only the same SDR during all the contest.

For the MW the place of the transmitter is not important


For the SW the transmitter place is very important

It is not necessery to be registred to enter this contest 2025

The goal on SW it to listen maximum of SW tranmitters in the world.

SW transmitter are sometimes used by différent radios stations.

To identifie the radio and SW transmitter you can use this free web site


You must be sure to identified the radio station for exemple with these books or CD



2024 Super Frequency List
on CD

Worldwide HF Communication Today

The only CD that includes all shortwave broadcast stations worldwide
PLUS all professional utility radio stations from 0 to 30 MHz -

If a transmitter is used bye differente radio stations it is possible to liste all tha radio stations

Exemple if you listen RFI Radio France Int. from transmitter in Issoudin France you can log only one time this radio station from this transmitter even you listen this station on differents bandes.

KBS World radio use also the transmitter of Issoudun so its valid to log KBS from this transmitter in France.

KBS World radio broadcast also from 3 other transmitters in the world so ou can log this radio station on 4 different transmitters.

For China they are CRI, PBS and CNR. I wrote and article about these stations and transmitters


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